I'd like to meet:
Get to Know Me
...About You...
Eye Color green
Hair Color blondish
Height 5'3
Favorite Color blue
Favorite Band snow patrol at the mo!
Favorite TV Show The OC/ Ugly betty
Your Car sexy black polo
Your Hometown ol'town of lewes
Your Crush's First Name Ben
Your Grade hhmm...all passes tho
Your Style fabulous
...Have You Ever...
Sat on your rooftop sadly not
Kissed someone in the rain hell yeah!
Danced in a public place many times
Smiled for no reason everyday
Laughed so hard you cried yes & trickled
Peed your pants after age 8 nope
Written a song of course not
Performed on a stage does karoke count?
Talked to someone you don't know most of the time
Made out in a theater who hasn't
Gone roller skating since 8th grade damn it no - but that was fun
Been in love yep....
...Can You...
Write with both hands can try
Whistle not anymore (for those of you who know me , you know why)
Roll your tongue can say ive tried - hold on
Cross your eyes very well indeed
Touch your tongue to your nose how many people can actually do that?
Dance yeah i can
Speak a different language a little of a few
Impersonate someone badly
Cook anything ofcourse & a good one i am
...Finish The Line...
If I were a ... fly - i'll buzz around a rugby club's changing room yummy
I wish ... to live a happy and fun loving life!
So many people don't know ... that i was a competitive horse rider!
I am ... hooked on eating baby rusk biscuits - random i know!
My heart is ... open & fabulous for all!
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