running with scissors eating glass drinking windex flinging poo eating pooh stuff things more stuff more things stapleguns stupid people fire violence indie record lables that Willy starts and moves to my backyard without FREAKING TELLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!! sunshine happiness lolipops cute little puppies popping the heads off cute kittens that people con me into pet sitting.
that heckler that's always in the back of the venue by the bar, please come to front row, I just wanna cuddle I SWEAR!..
smokin aces
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danzig gets knocked out(cuz he sucks)
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the stuff I like is SO UNDERGROUND they don't have a bandname, or play instruments, cause that's just selling out, go watch MTV you freaking lamer, GAH! stage shows are so 2007!Metalocalypse
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You are out of your mind. You are very protective
of those around you and you will throw
yourself into harms way to protect those that
yo card about. You are Dwight.
What Sin City character are you?
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Conan The Barbarian
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What Color Is Braveheart's Death
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fight club
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Down in Texas...
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Smoking Aces MV
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Lisa does'nt let me watch the magic box anymore, cause when she'd lock me in the special room to watch the Smiley happy funtime show, monkeys would come out of the box and try to eat me, she said my screams were interrupting Law and Order, so now she lets me play in traffic, it's more productive.
I like the nice things written on bathroom stalls, also is it Ironic that I read the tao of pooh while in the bathroom?