I'm marc aye.
I'm hell arrogant, apparently.
Dunno why people think it, maybe confidence is a bad thing?
I work at Charlies bar. Fucken best job ever.
Basically every conversation i have turns into something sex related.
I say 'aye' ALOT.
I dont like ipods but i bought one anyways, let me come over and steal your music.
I like being a fuckwit.
I HATE downloading music.
I LOVE buying cd's, it's my addiction.
I tend to get pretty over protective.
I like to make a fool out of everybody else.
I'm the hospitality slut, i go through jobs like a porn star goes through STD's.
I have like a bazillion drug dealers living in my street. Jealous?
I'm shit scared of weetbix. Yeah shut up.
I smell warm and spicy according to my cologne.
I love her, you'll never know how fucking much.
got msn? add me. [email protected]
I got my layout at Cleanupmyspace.com