Trust me you don't want to know. Ok maybe Art Bell or some real Angelic beings(the unfallen kind).
I grew up on Classical Symphonic music which is still a big part of my life. My introduction to Rock came by way of Steppinwolf, C.C.R. and Rare Earth. From there my brother Rick turned me on to the rock of the 70's Nugent, KISS, Rush, Queen, Bowie, Boston, Frampton, Sweet, Zepplin etc. not to mention the great funk players of the era. Soon after I discovered my own new tastes like, Pat Travers(Mars Cowling on bass), Steely Dan(Donald Fagen's the Night Fly is still my all time fav.), U2 and Joe Jackson(Graham Maby on bass). I spent plenty of time with the 80's music. Metal like Ozzy, V.H. Saxon, Dokken, WhiteSnake etc. New wave like Psyc. furs, Duran Duran, Tears for fears, the Cure.(great bass work), Punk/Ska like the Police, Madness, Mighty M. Bosstones etc. The nineties, when rock drummers discovered playing on the backside of the beat, post John Bonham, Thank Heavens. I love the grooves from this era such as Live, Smashing Pumpkins, Radio Head, and S.T.P. but the lyrics can be a real downer. Great bands though, Robert DeLeo(S.T.P.) is one of my favorite Bass players. I also love Hugh McDonald, Bon Jovi's bass player, he is today's James Jamerson. Moving on to today's rock...I'm trying to keep up, if only these bands can last long enough for me check 'em out. I Know its tough out there. I challenge any artist out there to produce good stuff with out all the gutter lyrics and skin laden images. It takes Talent, Creativity, and Will. YES, IT CAN BE DONE! IT SHOULD BE DONE! IT SHALL BE DONE!!!
I Like a good chick flick and I'm secure enough to admit that, so deal with it! For example Pride & prejudice, Jane Eyre, Kate and Leopold, (Charles Dickens)David Copperfield, You've got mail, While you were sleeping, Guarding Tess, Casablanca and many more. I like Historically accurate war flicks like Sargent York, Tora,Tora,Tora, Thirteen days and, To End All Wars. I love the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Jesus of Nazareth, The Bible, and The Ten Commandments(special edition). Then there's the Sci-fi especially the classic black and white films such as, Metropolis, Citizen Cane, Things to Come, and War of the Worlds. (the brilliance is in the premise)
I don't have T.V. I had enough in my youth to last so I'm all set there. although I do have a cool collection of the Twilight Zone series on video.
Tale of Two Cities, Animal Farm, Rhyme of The Ancient Mariner, The U.S. in Prophecy. To my own folly I didn't read much growing up so I'm trying to read more now ...enjoying the classics. Oh yea, I am fond of the 66 books of the Bible for they are the Words of life.
JESUS, who said/says"...But if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a large millstone hung around his neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea. Woe to the world because of the things that cause people to sin!Such things must come, but woe to the man through whom they come!.....(Matthew 18:6) My wife Marybeth is definitely my Hero my Champion My Queen. Man does she deserve all praise I can imagine. All this in one Heavenly Lady, Wow!