matt.e profile picture


my life in storage.

About Me

Here in the word lies my dying confession: Maybe I'm leaving the wrong impression.

My Interests

Making noises with complicated wiring networks. The search for immortality. Lucid dreaming. Power struggles. (Insert interesting interests here)


Music is my religion. Music is the best way for me to release tension and regret. Music is the language of angels and demons, sinners and saints. I worship through air guitar/drum solos, because sometimes other people say it best...Plus I dont have to dress up to go to church. God isn't a fasion designer, She's a sociology student.


Metropolis needs a TRANS AM soundtrack!




where's waldo?," the philosophy of time travel" by Roberta Sparrow, a Wrinkle in Time, the Art of War, the Screwtape letters, tao te cheng, Hegemony or Survival by Noam Chomsky, Where the Wild Things Are, "The Dictionary", the Prince, the communist manefesto,"The de-voicing of society:why we don't talk to each other" by John L. Locke, Digital Resistance, The Stand, Paper Soldiers, The Hammer of the Gods


"We can be heroes."

My Blog

gsy!be monologue

monologues - BBF3 this monologue takes the form of an interview with blaise bailey finnegan the third; the interviewer's words are in a stronger font, while BBF3's words are in a normal font. ...
Posted by matt.e on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 09:25:00 PST