GOD, movies, writing, SCHOOL, WORK, spittin flows with Lito, watching hockey(even though i never do),Reading, skipping, whistling, counting stars, drawing triangles, yelling random nonsense to people in other cars as im going down the freeway, making random pointless comments to people on Myspace,the rush you get from sneezing, watching movies about smart people, Finding new stuff to be interested in.
my wife
beats. just blank beats, usually. I hope to be as funky as the guy in this video some day.
i love movies, especially: young guns one and two, shawshank redemption, kill bill one and two, everything else by quinten tarentino, blow, saw, full metal jacket,almost every gangster and mobster movie ever made. Because I'm gangsta, homey.
i dont watch tv, i believe that it hypnotizes you and forces you to think about all kinds of things that you dont want to think about. and then you hate it. and you cant stop thinking about it, then its all you think about. and you hate it. but you watch it any way because you are hypnotized and you like it. but you hate it and cant stop thinking about it. but befor every episode you wonder why you are there, then it begins and you are lost. again. lost. and you like it. just kidding.But i really dont watch tv.
i love to read.THE BIBLE, The Dark Tower series by Stephen King, Les Miserables by Victor Hugo, The DaVinci Code, lots more
Jesus Christ for saving my life and soul, jen bailey for her infinite wisdom, incredible understanding of the world around her, and her endless stream of meaningless insight. my boss troy for giving me the best job in the world for no apparent reason. my mom for not abandoning me a long time ago. i probably would have. Tucan Sam for always following his nose. EVERY SOLDIER WHO HAS EVER LEFT EVERYTHING HE HAS EVER KNOWN, TO GO SOMEWHERE HE DOESN'T WANT TO BE, TO FIGHT FOR MY FREEDOM. THANK YOU. And- Chuck Norris