Travel..... "Oh the places you will go" ...... I've been to all states on the Pacific Coastline, I've visited Virginia, Wash D.C., British Columbia, Cancun & PTO Vallarta Mexico, Paris, Madrid & Barcelona Spain. I love State and National Parks as well!!!! Currently my favorite would have to be The Valley of Fire (outside of Vegas), when the light hits the rocks they look as if they have been lit. My other interest include.... dancing.... modern and ballroom... I love to Salsa!!!! Also I can't live without my Yoga class, it encorages me to find my center daily. I also enjoy to run and trail run every once in a great while.
People who posse that passion, drive, ambition, and a solid work ethic... but have not lost sight of how to enjoy life.I pimped my profile at , check out these
Whatever.... clubs prefer house... Ballroom I love the Latin influenced. Also...Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, etc...
I love ANY Audrey Hepurn movies! Also Ocean's 11, Honeymoon in Vegas, Bread and Tulips, Apres Vous, Amelie, Bridget Jones-- edge of reason, Vegas Vacation, The Englishman who went up a hill but came down a mountain, My house in Umbria, Motorcycle Diaries, An Affair to Remember.
HGTV and Spongebob
I will keep it simple... I love Honeymoon with my Brother It has inspired me to see the world! Also.... A Year in Provence, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Dogs of Babel, The House on Mango Street
Anyone who has pushed me outside of my comfort zone or challenged/ motivated me to do better (think outside the box).