Kristal profile picture


Sogyfied..its can use it..its not copyrighted

About Me

What do you need to know about me?
♥My name is Kristal
♥I'm 17♥
♥I'm a SENIOR at Coronado High school♥ ♥♥I Love my boyfriend Simon more then anything in the world ♥♥ ♥He means soo much to me
♥I dont know what I would do without him ♥ ♥I also dont know what i'd do without Kody.he's always there when i need someone to talk to and always will be. I love him ♥ ♥♥My best friends are Brizie, Brit, and Allison♥♥
♥I also dont know what i'd do without them. They make everyday complete. I love you guys!!!
♥I'm a pretty easy person to get along with, till you meet my bad side♥
♥I love clothes and shoes. I have more clothes and shoes then anyone person needs♥.
♥I'm a natural blonde and I have green eyes♥
♥I lovemy friends and family and would do anythingfor them♥
♥I love seeing old friends somewhere weird♥
♥I love being weird and different
♥I'm not affraid to be myselft
♥I am who I am♥
♥I love music with a passion. But I couldn't tell you the name of a band or song: )♥
♥I attempt to play the guitar♥
♥I suck♥
♥I love to have fun
♥I like trying new things♥
♥But I dont like tryin new foods
♥I love Lucky Charms
♥ I LOVE to bake cookies♥
♥I make the best oatmeal chocolatechip cookies ever♥
♥I'd rather listen
to the radio then watch tv♥
♥I like all sorts of movies♥
♥I LOVE the movie Blow
♥I love the movie Grease
♥I love football
♥I lovejewelry♥
♥I hate birds with a passion(they scare me)♥
♥My favorite colors are Red, black,and purple
♥I talk a lot ♥
♥All in all I'm just me ♥
♥I have a screen name it's my fake escape/b ♥
♥I have an msn too [email protected]
♥If you want to know more hit me up♥
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Hum! Who would I like to meet. That I don't know. Anyone who wants to meet me, I guess. Show some love


Simon my love!! I'd really be nothing with out this guy. He's been there for me through a lot of stuff. And put up with me when i was so mean to him. We always have so much fun together..whether we're out with friends hangin or sitten at his house and watchin tv or i'm on the computer and he's playin video games Or just sittin and talking.He is the best person to come into my life lately. Without him I'd be nothing. I love you so much. I'm so glad to know you and be your girlfriend! LaLa my dear. God..thank you so much for just being there and being able to understand what is going on. lol. I'll always be there for ya..It's just us now. So I think we can deal. lol. I cant believe i've only known you like what 2 years now? ANd yet we've become such close friend. It's sooo crayz! You've been there for me through a lot. and especially now. I owe you all the thanks possible. I love you so much. And we cant talk forever. lol. Kody I just have to thank you for being there when i really need someone to talk to!! You always have the answer to whatever is going on in my life. I love ya so much for it.You're the best person to talk to when i need someone to listen!! And you always do! Even though most of the time i'm gabbing about absolutely nothing. lol. And you're so easy to talk to. I love ya!! Thank you so much for being there for me!! I just wanted to say I LOVE YA!!!! And thank you for lettin me love your brother! Dont let simon push chris around too much!! Just tell me ok..Love you!! Allison!WOW!! We've been through some stuff and only known eachother a year or so!! I cant believe you're gettin married. I couldnt be happier for you. I love ya sooo much!! And thank you for always being there for me. I'll always be ther for you too. Dont ever be hesitant to call or anything.kk..We gotta hang soon. And I cant wait till your wedding. I'm soo happy for you!!! I love ya Allison Brizie!! OUr friendship has come a long way since freshman year. I really miss biology. I know you dont have a myspace..BUt i cant help but put you on it. You've been such a great friend to me and you've also been there for me through a lot. I love you soo much and I really appreciate all you've done for me. And lettin my sister come over to your house with me. I know she can be a pain. But thank you. I love you!! Britt.Talkin about a friendship that has grown. Seems like I just met you and we've become such great friends. We can talk about anything. It seems like i've known you forever. WE get along so well it's crazy. Hard to believe we only really started to talk this year huh? Well, gosh i love you just as much as Brizie and Lauren. You have become one of my Best Friends!! I love you so much.



Name: Kristal
Birthdate: 11-15-1988
Birthplace: Las Vegas,NV
Current Location: Henderson,NV
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Well natural blonde..but now it's red, black/brown, and blonde
Height: 5*4
Weight: for you not to know
Piercings: just the ears for now
Tatoos: none
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Boyfriend and i love him
Overused Phraze: lol
Food: Pizza rolls and TCT's
Candy: Reeces
Number: 15
Color: Purple, red, black
Animal: too many
Drink: water and DR.Pepper
Alcohol Drink: none
Bagel: everthing
Letter: huh
Body Part on Opposite sex: arms and eyes
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing: burgerking
Strawberry or Watermelon: both
Hot tea or Ice tea: ice tea
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: hot chocoate
Kiss or Hug: Kiss
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: Punk
Summer or Winter: Winter
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Funny movies
Love or Money: love
Bedtime: 8 cause i'm cool that way
Most Missed Memory: family stuff
Best phyiscal feature: my hair
First Thought Waking Up: shower time
Goal for this year: High honors diploma
Best Friends: Brizie, Allie, Kody, Brit,Allison, and Simon
Fears: BIRDS
Heritage: A lil of everthing just about
Longest relationship: year and a half and counting
Ever Drank: yes
Ever Smoked: EWW
Pot: NO
Ever been Drunk: no
Ever been beaten up: no
Ever beaten someone up: yea
Ever Shoplifted: no
Ever Skinny Dipped: no
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: no
Been Dumped Lately: no
Favorite Eye Color: Green
Favorite Hair Color: Any
Short or Long: either or
Height: taller then me
Style: doesnt matter
Looks or Personality: personality
Hot or Cute what kinda question is that
Drugs and Alcohol: neither
Muscular or Really Skinny: muscular
Number of Regrets in the Past: why regret?
What country do you want to Visit: too many
How do you want to Die: peacefully
Been to the Mall Lately: no
Do you like Thunderstorms: Yes
Get along with your Parents: yes
Health Freak: no
Do you think your Attractive: kinda
Believe in Yourself: yea
Want to go to College: yea
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Drink: no
Shower Daily: yes
Been in Love: yes
Do you Sing: yes
Want to get Married: yes
Do you want Children: yes
Have your future kids names planned out:
:' yea..but not tell you
Hate anyone: yea..though i'm not proud of it

My Blog

My dearest

Gosh i dont know if i could ever love anyone more then i love simon. he's my freakin everything and without him i'd be nothing. He means the world to me and more. And i've never been soo scared to loo...
Posted by Kristal [WLC] on Thu, 13 Jul 2006 07:10:00 PST

It's Good to Be Female!!!!

It is good to be a woman: 1. We got off the Titanic first. 2. We can scare male bosses with the mysterious gynecological disorder excuses. 3 Taxis stop for us. 4. We don't look like a frog in a blende...
Posted by Kristal [WLC] on Fri, 04 Nov 2005 02:52:00 PST

A Point of View by my friend Kody!

W3ll I D3sid3d That I Would Finally Say Som3thing.. Im So Sick And Tir3d Of How Wom3n Ar3 Tr3at3d Th3s3 Days.. 3xsp3cially My G3n3ration And Th3 G3n3ration B3hind M3.. I Know Im Not Th3 P3rf3ct 3xampl...
Posted by Kristal [WLC] on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST