Hello, my name is Alex Krycek. I am an American born of Russian immigrants. I have never had a permanent home. I usually live is coherance to what Government or Faction I am working with. I couldn't really say what I do, I guess I could have many titles. What I do do usually somehow puts my life on the line.
I hold no loyalties to anyone. Though I have worked for many people, it was either done for my betterment or gain. The person I feel most strongly for is Marita.
I first met Mulder when he and Scully were each assigned to different sections of the Bureau. I was assigned to be Mulders partener. I was actually an under cover operative specifically for C.G.B. Spender also known as "The Cigarette Smoking Man". After Mulder and Scully were reasigned to the X-Files, I dropped my FBI cover and worked directly for the Syndicate (A top secret groupe within the American government to cover the existance of aliens).
I have been credited with killing Mulders father. What you think may be wrong. You have only seen one side of the coin. I have also been credited with being in the plot to kill Scully, but accedently killing her sister. Trained professionals not executing an easy operation like that, it's almost like they were tricked. Again, you don't know for sure.
After that "failed" attempt to kill Scully, the Syndicate wanted me dead. I stole a very important disk that the Syndicate would do anything to aquire. So I fled to Hong Kong. Soon after, Mulder found and arrested me. When he brought me back to America, the Syndicate captured me and imprisoned me in an abandoned missile silo. I broke out and was free.
As you can see, I have done quite a bit. There is so much more to tell.
If you want to ask me something or talk, just write me or something and I will get back to you.I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
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