After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music. -Aldous Huxley
I shall give you what no eye has seen and what no ear has heard and what no hand has touched and what has never occurred to the human mind -The Ghospel of Thomas
I play guitar, compose music, and think. These are my hobbies and passions in life. I love all music and all things musical. I am particularly fond of Jazz, Classical, Romantic, Baroque and Post Romantic, modern art music. I am involved in various musical projects which are often very nebulous, changing and developing over time. I play with a blues band, a fusion project, a modern rock cover band and spend a lot of time studying musical concepts and history.
In addition to music, I am a constant stundent of life. I believe there are things to be learned every day. There have been so many great ideas throughout human history and noone will ever have the time to explore them all, but that does not stop me from trying. History, science, philosophy, politics, religion, art: These are the playgrounds of the mind.
I am always interested in meeting people with new and interesting ideas, or points of view on old ideas. I enjoy a good conversation and am always eager to learn. I am willing to share a good bottle of aged single malt Scotch or case of Guiness any time.
So if you want to play music together, debate about God or politics or whatever, just drop me an email.
Currently I am actively involved in a few projects, including The Rock Show, a rock cover band. I am also available for substitution gigs, recording and private lessons.