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About Me

I'm currently in California to get my preschool teaching credential. My goal is to go back to Sarajevo/Bosnia-Hercegovina to open a preschool for Roma kids.Go to to find out more about the 'Hand in Hand Sarajevo' project.I'm really homesick for 'my people' the Rroma! That's how I feel about them, they're my people. I just love them, and feel at home with them.Why Roma and not Gypsy? Because Gypsy is derogatoty, just consider the term 'I've been gypped'.... Roma means 'human being' in the Romani language. Please help breaking down the stereotypes, and call them Roma.

My Blog

++ ++The true Gypsy soul++++

There are a lot of stereotypes about Gypsies- for anyone who's interested in what a Gypsy really is, here's an essay about the true Gypsy soul that I wrote for one of my classes...Gypsy Taken as sla...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 16:21:00 GMT