How Sexy am I
Fuckin Fine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Your Mine
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All the ABOVE
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50 short questions Survey!
Sleep with or without clothes on? idk it depends
Prefer black or blue pens? dave
Dress up on Halloween? no
Like to travel? yea once in awhile
Like Someone? yea
Do they know? im sure she do
Who sleeps with you every night? no one
Think you're attractive? alot of people
Want to get married? yea
To: idk, the right girl
Are you a good student? maybe
Are you currently happy? yea
Have you ever cheated?? Been cheated on? iv been cheated on
Birthplace? orange
Christmas or Halloween? christmas
Colored or black-and-white photo? colored
Do long distance relationships work? idk
Do you believe in astrology? dont matter
Do you believe in love at first sight? its hard to tell
Do you consider yourself the life of the party? idk
Do you drink? sometimes
Do you make fun of people? my buddies
Do you think dreams eventually come true? mine did
Favorite fictional character? superman
Go to the movies or rent? both
Have you ever moved? yea
Have you ever stolen anything? no
How's the weather right now? hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last time you cut your hair? idk
Last person you talked to on the phone? layla
Last time you showered? this morning
Loud or soft music? both
Mcdonalds or Burger King? mcdonalds
Night or day? night
Number of pillows? two
Piano or guitar? none
Future job? none im fine with my job
Current job? modeling
Current love? idk
Current longing? ???
Current disappointment? no
Current annoyance?
Last thing you ate? chicken
Last thing you bought? shoes
Most recent thing you are looking forward to? working with ford model!!!
What are you hearing right now? music
Plans for the weekend? idk
What did you do today? chill in the hotub
Pick a lyric, any lyric or song? over my head
Pick a movie quote? ???
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The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times!
*What is your favorite*
restaurant: idk
drink: dr.pepper
season: spring
type of weather: clear and warm
emotion: happy
sport: football/basketball/baseball
store: champs
*When was the last time you*
cried: 12
laughed: couple mins ago
hugged someone: yesterday
kissed someone: last week
lied: idk
*What was the last*
word you said: idk
thing you ate: noodles
song you listened to: over my head
thing you drank: water/gatorade/dr.pepper
movie you saw: about to see step up or world trade center
concert you attended: idk
*Who was the last person you*
hugged: my ex
danced with: my ex
called: idk
saw: my buddies
couldn't take your eyes off of: idk lots of girls
*Have you ever*
kissed someone: yea plenty
drank alcohol: couple times
gone too far on a dare: maybe
spun until you were immensely dizzy: yea
taken a survey quite like this before: yea
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