Cooking for large groups of people who enjoy eating till their bellies hurt,laughing till their throats are sore,dancing till their feet fall off and singing at the tops of their lungs, in general having a blast just hanging with friends and family...
Honest, sincere people who like to share thoughts, Opinions and can do so, with grace and intelligence.Kevin Costner, Tom Elliott, Robin Williams, Montel Williams, The Statler Brothers, The Beach Boys, Alan Jackson, Vince Gill, Rascal Flatt... The list goes on and on... My Grandson...
MyHotComments It's a BOY!!!
Most all forms, Jazz, Blues, Old Rock & Roll, Swing, Big Band, Beach, Country, Blue Grass and Old Time Gospel...
The Postman, The Bodyguard, Dances with wolves, Rain Man, Forest Gump, Black Hawk Down, Eight Below, 16 Blocks, Broke Back Mountain, and most all horror.
Cops, NYPD Blue, CSI, Without A Trace, Medium, Closer, 48 Hours, America's Funniest Videos, Ghost Whisperer, Two and 1/2 men, Physic Detectives and most court TV.
Stephen King, Dean Koonts, John Saul, Khail Gabrin, Carl Sandburg, William Shakespeare, and anything to do with cooking and kids...
Our Military Personal, All Law-enforcement Agencies, Fire & Rescue Teams, Emergency Medical Personal for my groups... My daddy, my daughter and my son for their sacrifices for me and all others, as my own private heroes. Christ for all he sacrificed for us all.z