i smoke a pack of cigarettes a day.
i drink more tea a day than your average joe.
i read between 2-7 books a week.
my work consumes my life and i love it.
i worry too much.
bagels are one of my main food groups.
i automatically adore people with freckles.
i rarely watch movies and prefer it that way.
i have a sour puss even when im happy.
i really am a nice girl with good intentions but with a bad temper.hate is easy but love takes courage.
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
motivated positive people who can take a joke.
My Blog
the girl who gave a damn
i could really use someone who would tell me that its going to be ok and i could believe them.i could really use someone who knew how to handle it when i get upset and doesnt instantly get mad or run ... Posted by on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 07:03:00 GMT
over with.
im pretty much done with most people in the area. i spend most of my life being nice to people who dont deserve it.i give up. you can all go fuck yourselves. Posted by on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 12:37:00 GMT
whaddup dawgs
i only have 3 friends :-( how sad... i have mox meg lia jen(grungy) and... trevor. poor kid. there cutting his hair. he just licked some scizzors. and jen pierced mox's ear. w00t. so... be my friend? Posted by on Mon, 16 Feb 2004 15:50:00 GMT