Ninj profile picture



About Me

I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

Snowboard, skateboard, photography, mexican food "el taco de mexico", golf, tennis, riding my bike, driving, reading, hanging out with my friends and working. I have an interresting job which allows me to travel a lot.


Hip Hop, Rock, Jazz, R & B, I like a lot of music as long as its not country


Scar Face is the best. Happy Gilmore, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Old School, Taladega Nights, The Royal Tanenbalms, there are lots of good movies. Igby Goes Down is good too. Donny Darko is one of my favorites.. Not that into horror movies. These guys will have a good movie too!


I don't have time to watch too much tv but when i do i watch the news, Seinfeld, Rescue Me when its on, Simpsons, Entourage and Sopronos if I had HBO.


I like books


RIP: Josh Malay Forever!