me…..meeting god at sunset/ clear blue water/ black calla lilies/ training my soul to forgive/ quiet nights with nikki and chi/ honoring my curves/ the ocean at night/ last page in a journal/ finishing a poem /sushi / boat house row/ turtles/ the beehive on my balcony/ song of solomon/ laughing out loud/ fingertips on the curve of my hip/ salted edamame/ my grandmothers lap/a gentle breath on the nape of a neck/ megan’s bay at dawn/ black and white photographs/ speaking without words/ city streets/ dark country roads/ a new recipe/ sleeping at the beach/ tender lips speaking my name/ pastel m&ms/ cold root beer in a glass bottle/ my skin when it tans/ cold air at 14,000 feet/ flying without an airplane/ landing ….
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Get Your Own!
“I wish you what I wish myself:
Hard questions and the nights to answer them
And grace of disappointment
And the right to seem the fool for justice.
That's enough.
Cowards might ask for more
Heroes have died for lessâ€