Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts by Pimp-My-Profile.com
embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src="http://cur.pimpmyspace.org/cursors/ticker/blue.swf?t=Sm ile+!!!++Things+Could+be+Worse" enableJavaScript="false" quality="medium" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="380" height="50" name="blue" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="never" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplay
Jesuse Christ
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Your Birthdate: October 2
You're so intuitive, it's like you have a sixth, seventh, and eighth sense.
You connect with others freely and easily - and you tend to have many best friends.
Warm and caring, it's hard for you to close your heart to anyone.
Affection is like air for you - you need to give and receive it to survive.
Your strength: Your universal compassion
Your weakness: Your unpredictable mood swings
Your power color: Mauve
Your power symbol: Butterfly
Your power month: February
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
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Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from www.sexiluv.com
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What is your name- .."christina
Height- 5..' 4
Weight- none ya damn ......
Best quality- making people laugh
Eye Color- dark brown
Haircolor- black
Age- 23
Birthdate- octobert 2
Current Location- ga
night or day- night
sweet or sour- sweet
chocolate or vanilla- chocolate
beer or hard liquor- beer
black or white- black
personality or looks- mmmm.......
cats or dogs- dogs
Been in love- yes
drank until you blacked out- no
Skipped school- yes ...duh
Drank alcohol- yes
smoked a cigarette- yes
smoked weed- no
snuck out of the house- didnt have 2
Whats the worst thing that has ever happened to you- i..'m not going there
What do you think happens when you die- you go to heaven or hell
Do you believe in karma- hell ya
Believe in god- yes
personality or looks- mmmm.......
do you ha ve a job- yes
If you had one wish, what would it be- to be happy 4 ever
Color- purple
Store- wal-mart
Drink- vault
Food- french toast
Book- amilya badilya
Music- hip hop
Season- spring
Piercings- ears
Tattoos- npne
How do you want to die- ( dont think about that )
Do you want to get married- yes
Do you want kids- i have 3
Do you drink- yes
Smoke- yes
Your most missed memory- .."christina
What do you want to do when you are done with highschool- be rich
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