see nudes
DONT thank me for the add. Dont ask me if i could comment your Pics/Page.If you need constant reaffirmation that you are hot, or that you have a cool style or that your new Fake Chanel handbag looks Fresh to Death from strangers on MySpace, DONT add me! Stop pretending that your something like a Celebrity on MySpace. And your NOT a model, just because you take pictures in the backyard with your friends when your bored. If you post over-photoshoped, "weired angle", totally blured, or way to small pictures, doesnt that mean that your super-creative. Your either a fucking fake or its probably the only way your features look half decent. I will definately NOT get back at you if you type something like this: "HeY ShAwTyy wHatZ uP? YoUr Hawwt, HoLLa at ya BoI". That is SO retarded, learn how to spell, seriously!! You may attract some 14year old with that. Im just here to meet some "normal", cool people and to Network with ppl who share the same interests. No old dudes, no kids.Thats it. And i KNOW Whats up?! So DONT ask.
If it is nothing personal/important, or you just wanna say "Hi", send me a comment instead of a message
dont send me vulgar messages,
i dont wanna hear it when you do this
and i dont wanna see pictures of it.
Some things are better unsaid