Bus 521 profile picture

Bus 521

Sebastien! i thought we were friends?

About Me

BUS 521Bus 521 is the result of a days session of pissing about in Ashs' bedroom with a microphone, some recording software, a few guitars,few beers and a big bag of crisps. This is where are first song 'let me in' came from. After this we decided to make a few more as it was jolly good fun,and we have. We are mainly based on doing comedy songs, but Max Longdad might come out with some nice serious lyrics in the very near future. also an EP may be released quite soon 'house parties,pretty girls and me' check our blog for more details..should be available by late feb early march so keep checking this space out lol..Peace Man
Longman's PoemYou're all about the image, you're too self involved Abit of a faker, occasional back stabber I aint gonna take it anymore, only one way for it to be solved,Cutting all the strings which tie me down to you ,You think you're a rebel but your just rude ,Cutting all the strings which tie me to you ,Did you not hear me your just rudeYou're all about the image, thats your forte You wanna look like the main man, So your always acting away I realised today your not a true friend when i can't talk to you honestly Then realised that maybe we were only friends as situations placed you and me Together, but now im cutting those strings
Please add the code in the box to get this banner on your page'LET ME IN' live!!!
LET ME IN video by the girlstring park a very speschial place

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Member Since: 8/12/2006
Band Website: myspace.com/bus521
Band Members:

Max Longman:Lead Vocals Guitar Harmonica Bottle Snare Bass Kazoo Keyboard Pitch TunerAsh Woolnough:Lead Guitar Backing Vocals Harmonica Snare Bass Kazoo Warbling Duck Some cool sounding thing Keyboard Keyboard Drums (when needed, usually stick to natural sounds). ProductionJordan Woolnough:Rhythm Guitar Backing Vocals Being The Geek Bass Synthesized Drum Kit (He's awesome) Kazoo Bongo DrumsThe Masked Musician:Production

    MaxThe Who King Crimson(Jamie Muir especially) Pink Floyd Clor The Streets
  • JordiREALLY sexy computers
  • Japanese anime babes
  • AshJimi Hendrix
  • Arctic Monkeys
  • Stevie Ray Vaughn
  • Get Cape, Wear Cape, Fly
  • and many more Jizz

  • Sounds Like: A Beer fuelled Max Longman. and if you know what that is like then you should be honoured because its awesome haha.
      girl from el paso:Featuring the voice of Hayley "The Lovely" Lynch, shes ace!, check out her songs, shes in our top friends.
  • Don't make me lie to myself:Max's song, performed by the Woolnough brothers
  • Let Me In:Ash was going round Max's house, so the two boys walked back to Max's from Ash's Dad's with a guitar, but once they got to Max's they realised they were locked out. Ash started playing some chords, Max started singing.
  • House Parties demo:Featuring trumpets from Martin. (www.myspace.com/themezzotints) (www.myspace.com/betika) (www.myspace.com/thepirateshipquintet)(www.myspace.com/powde redcow)

  • Record Label: Camp Records
    Type of Label: None

    My Blog

    http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendid=60085354

    http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file&friendid=60085354   check it out...
    Posted by Bus 521 on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 10:19:00 PST

    The Album, ealry 2008

    Who said anything about an album....... Topless MenDon't Make Me Lie (to myself)Jam Sandwich 1Girl From El PasoWhere's The BathroomLet Me InJam Sandwich 2 (Swedin me out)Your YearSebestianHouse Partie...
    Posted by Bus 521 on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 06:47:00 PST

    EP coming soon,'House Parties, Pretty Girls and Me'

    EP coming soontracks to be included  ()Let Me In ()Wheres the Bathroom? ()Swedin' me out ()Topless Men (short and stumpy)()One Sec()Don't make me lie to myself()House Parties and Pretty Girls Bon...
    Posted by Bus 521 on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 02:43:00 PST

    3000 Plays!

    Howdy,We are celebrating our massive acheivement of 3000 plays and would like to thank all the fans (because there are obviously millions of you) and everyone who took the time to listen to our stuff....
    Posted by Bus 521 on Mon, 01 Jan 2007 03:39:00 PST

    Will gig at partys! 4 free!

    Bus 521 will perform at partys for free, but free alcohol will persuade us!   max and ash!
    Posted by Bus 521 on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 05:48:00 PST

    2nd blog- cheeky, cocky, clever

    new song, the lyric had been laying around for ages in my head and i got round to writing it, recording it today, 22   we were young cheeky, cocky and all so clever we were young but nothing last...
    Posted by Bus 521 on Fri, 22 Dec 2006 10:25:00 PST

    youth-first blog

    the new song youth, is a folky ish song but mainly an excuse to record using a new technique which will Vaughn told me to use. Hopefully song should be up within the week.   Its about growing up...
    Posted by Bus 521 on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 12:16:00 PST