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mmmmmmm chris

I am here for Friends

About Me

i am chris church.
i love to sleep, often times the first thing i think about when i wake up is 'wow when can i do that again'" - David Byrne
"im the best there is, if it wasnt for luck, id never lose" - Phill Hellmuth
"Who here believes in tele-kenesis, raise my hand" - Woody Paige
"Everytime i get my life together, i forget where i put it" - Woody Paige
"If she wants his dick she better knock for it" - Kristin
"Thats a straight curve" - Kieth Ellis
"My agility is the CEO of the global agility coorperation" - Steve Nash
"Arco Arena, where the lakers winning again happens" - some random fan
"I stayed up all night playing poker with tarot cards. I got a full house, and four people died" - Alex Vargus
"Im gonna dick slap your penis" - Danny Cardenas
"Dis shit right here nigga, dis shit right here nigga, itzz kryptochronicuntilikee" - Katt Williams
"Sometimes you just have to google that shit" - Maynard Gomez
"The sweetest thing for a girl is a penis dipped in chocolate" - Kevin Wilson
"Fuck this, beer sucks, I'm going to become a Christian" - Thomas Mendoza
"I want numbers, i want titties, and i want chicken wings" - Andrew Long
"You can never take a piss until you finish your beer" - Eric Ruiz
"I'm so full i could take a good nap right now, or i could get drunk and take a REALLY good nap" - Eric Ruiz
"POWER UP!" - Reggie
"I'm allergic to rocks hitting me in the face" - Mike Rowe
"If theres fluff on the muff its old enough to stuff" - Big Ray
"Hey, whats up yo?" - McRoss Lister
"it doesnt look big from here, but when u get down there..." - Julian Monk
"I will hot dog slap krebbies in the face" - Eric ruiz
"foot worry, i wont come good" - Eric Ruiz
"Wal-mart? Isnt that where your puerta-mexican cousins go?" - Manny Mendez
"When the fuck are you ever gonna see 10 midgets again in your life" - Andrew Long
"If your not cheating, your not trying." - Maynard Gomez

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

a hero.


i dont listen to music


South Park - thats about all i have time to watch