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Add to My Profile | More Videos***WITHOUT FEAR-I WOULD NOT HAVE THE COURAGE*** ...I have ALWAYS been a DREAMER... I am a great listener, although I tend to talk too much! I wish the world could be different. No war, no one starving, people would not be ignorant, everyone equal, no evil, all just like that. Again, I am a dreamer. I hate intensely when people talkof things that they know nothing about. It is called*Ignorance, people. I also loathe cockiness. I havefound that most people who act this way are hidingsomething that they don't like about themselves. Andthose who take part in malicious rumors are usually justbitter. I believe that we can be unique individualswithout TRYING to be. I do and like as I want, no matterwho likes it or not. I am very much NOT a traditionalgirl. I belive in Fate, yet sometimes think "Is it?""Is it Fate or Action and Reaction?" Or all so random of A Force as CHANCE....I tryto let go of what I can't change. Somethings I leave inGod's Hands. I hate to lose a friendship and miss onesthat have faded away. I am a forgiving person. It onlytakes a moment to make a mistake but so much more to havecreated that friendship in the first place. I am usuallymisunderstood. Maybe because you need to read the wholebook not just the first page. I hate leaving anythingunspoken. I am open minded and wish everyone could be aswell. I also over analyze everything. Which sometimes isgood, usually bad. I can never make up my mind. You canask anyone who knows me and they will tell you that I amalways late! I don't mean to be! I stay up too late and I am not a morningperson. I love Music. Ilove concerts, live local bands, and my husband's guitarplaying. I have a tattoo. I have an explosive temper. Ialways have to have the last word or it drives me crazy.I am always my self and if someone doesn't like it I justignore them. I take things to heart, and I never forget a thing. I willremember always, those who have been there for me, andlikewise for those who were not. To this day I only dancewhen I have had a few drinks (or think no one iswatching!) I love the Pittsburgh Steelers (and myhusband) so much that I let my husband watch the SuperBowl Game while I was in labor!!! I once was a wild childbut that was a different life. I probably wouldn't do mostof the things that I used to! I still Love to have a goodtime, but I now know that I am not invincible. I do not think it is wise to have regrets, exactly... but to call them mistakes...which I have learned so much and can only hope that it all may make me a better person in the end.... It IS possible for each person to change, including myself...and each day can be a new beginning... I have hadmy share of ups and downs... But I believe that every one moment good or bad,every one relationship good or bad, every one decisiongood or bad, all make you who you are today. Everythingmeans something. And I always held on with hope. After all these years, these days are the happiest I have ever truly been. I know who I am now and what is important. I am finally comfortable in my own skin. A Bit About Us: I have been married for almost 7 years and with my husband, Mark for almost 9 years. Met my Prince at the *PALACE*...(LOL) We have a beautiful 3year old baby boy, Keean Gabriel who is our world. We have a fat Pug named Kiku. My husband is in the Air Force. We are now living in Germany...!!! This has been a dream of ours so we are very happy. I can't wait to travel all over Europe. Life in the military is great, but it really is different then civilian life. From the moment my son was born, a part of my heart opened that I have never felt before. I didn't know how powerful that feeling could be. But when he smiles at me, all my worries fade away for that moment. When he giggles, my heart dances. He smiles as soon as I start to sing to him, and I CANNOT sing! But he loves me anyway. But I know he already has my temper! I didn't sleep for days when I first had him because I couldn't stop looking at him. I currently am lucky enough to be able to stay at home with my son and enjoy him all day long. I am so grateful for that. And when he looks at me and says, "I LOVES Woo." I wonder how I got so lucky!!! I am also free to travel as I wish. (which is nice when you are military) I have been a secretary and in the child care field all in the past, but I hope to pursue a degree in psychology because I have decided that is what I really want to do. I think it is my calling (along with motherhood). I want to actually help make people feel better (not just make money). I plan to someday maybe, even sit down and write that book that I have had in my mind now for a decade!
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Keean T. is entered into the Gap Casting Call is holding a nationwide contest to find the next faces of babyGap and GapKids, and Keean T. is entered into the contest. Check out Keean T.'s e...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Sep 2009 12:48:00 GMT

Keean T. is entered into the Gap Casting Call is holding a nationwide contest to find the next faces of babyGap and GapKids, and Keean T. is entered into the contest. Check out Keean T.'s e...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Sep 2009 12:43:00 GMT

Keean T. is entered into the Gap Casting Call is holding a nationwide contest to find the next faces of babyGap and GapKids, and Keean T. is entered into the contest. Check out Keean T.'s e...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Sep 2009 12:42:00 GMT

Keean T. is entered into the Gap Casting Call is holding a nationwide contest to find the next faces of babyGap and GapKids, and Keean T. is entered into the contest. Check out Keean T.'s e...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Sep 2009 12:39:00 GMT

Keean T. is entered into the Gap Casting Call is holding a nationwide contest to find the next faces of babyGap and GapKids, and Keean T. is entered into the contest. Check out Keean T.'s e...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Sep 2009 12:24:00 GMT

20090704092821 Keean's Dance Moves 4th of July..09 Keean's Dance Rocks!!! My LIL ROCKN.. MAN!!!
Posted by on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 08:58:00 GMT


The time has finally come and my little man, Keean and I will be leaving in a few days for Germany...  and as excited as I am...  as much as I look forward to finally having our little famil...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Aug 2008 18:41:00 GMT

Check out this video: 30 Seconds To Mars - A Beautiful Lie

Check out this video: 30 Seconds To Mars - A Beautiful Lie Add to My Profile | More Videos
Posted by on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 16:02:00 GMT


I would like to recognize these often underestimated, unseen, and unheard heroes.*This is for the sad military wives, the angry military wives, and the strong military wives.*This is for the young wom...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 15:55:00 GMT