We are artists who love comics! We started creating our own comics with Boy Meets Hero, a web-comic about a gay superhero, Blue Comet, his boyfriend Justin, and the struggles a super-hero can have when he has more than one secret identity. It is our intention to tell a fun and light-hearted tale that contains colorful characters, action, adventure and a little sex thrown in for good measure!
Boy Meets Hero is really a superhero fantasy on the surface only - as you'll discover along the way, the real story is about self-acceptance, tolerance, and ultimately... love.
Although the full comic is no longer available to read online we are offering it in a beautifully bound HARDCOVER published by Bruno Gmunder (Patrick Fillion, Joe Phillips). You can buy it at Amazon or request your local bookstore to order it BUT if you'd like a LIMITED EDITION NUMBERED AND SIGNED copy you can only get that from us at WWW.BOYMEETSHERO.COM .
You can check out our comic online at www.boymeetshero.com CLICK HERE TO CHECK IT OUT!Now we're proud to present our brand new project featuring all the fun characters from BMH. It's a downloadable comic called BLUE COMET & FUSION and it's available right now. Just click below to check it out!