Football, Bike Riding, Walking, Basketball, Golf, Golf, Golf, and more Golf. Did I mention Golf? I truly enjoying spending time with my family....I love active time, which usually involves the great out doors.
Billy Graham, Jack Welsh, Robin Sharma, and Bill Gates
Christian, R&B hip hop and old school, Classics from the '70's
Star Wars (all episodes), Wedding Crashers, Office Space, Meet the Falkers, Braveheart, Troy, The Passion of Christ, and just about all movies that are War related.
I'm hooked on Reality TV - I enjoy just about all of them and in particular The Apprentice, Survivor, and the Amazing Race.
Bible (too bad it continues to take me forever to complete it), all Leadership books - particular, "Best Damn Ship".
Me, Myself, and I (just kidding), All Veterans that have secured my peace at night - these are my heroes along with all Children (their sense of purity keeps me focused on my Lord and Savior).