Love will take us where we want to be profile picture

Love will take us where we want to be

How to murder me in 9 easy ways:

About Me

DcGamer05 is the AIM name, thats all you need to know. If you know me, friend me, if you dont know me, stay the fuck away from me, peace.But just incase you wanted to know anyways, just read some of my surveys it'll give you an idea. or two.
Live Life To The Fullest. put an X next to the things you've done
smoked a ciggarrette no ... wait yes.. ok you win
laughed so hard you cried haha yup
cried so hard you laughed yup
been in love yup
shoplifted like gum... but i was younger
been told you're hot by a complete stranger im not sure.
snuck out of house haha almost
had feelings for someone who didnt have them back all the time
been arrested nope
questioned your heart always
lied to a friend ya (bad me)
love someone or miss someone right now i miss cat mike and judy cuz its 5am and i cant sleep LOL!!!
skipped school not high school, but college hell yes
gone skinny dippin in a pool yup.
been on a plane more than once
mooned/flashed someone haha cat...
had someone moon/flash you yea lol
been in an abusive relationship nah no lifetime drama for me
had a crush on a teacher yup long ass time ago
laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by yeah its nice.
been lonely yeah
fallen asleep at work/school school yes, work only once thats cuz i waited in line for xbox360 then had to work at 10 LOL!
watched the sun set yeah on the beach
slept beneath the stars nah but gazed at them before
been tickled haah who hasnt?
been misunderstood yeah
won a contest a few!
run a red light...opps haha all the freaking time
been suspended from school no
gotten detention nope!
been in a car accident ... yea
had braces nope, i need them tho
eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one night uhhh no
hated the way you look yeah i used to a lot but im getting better about it!
witnessed a crime haha yeah
gone on a blind date no
been lost physically and mentally yes.
felt like dying eh a few times
cried yourself to sleep yeah
played cops and robbers when i was little
slept naked yeah but not like ever like once
done something you told yourself you wouldn't uhhh lol.... thats why im awake.
made prank phone calls no never (rollseyes)
written a letter to Santa Claus actually, no!
laughed until some kind of beverage came out of your nose yes, soda it fucking hurts
caught a snowflake on your tongue once, im not very talented
been kissed under a mistletoe nope
watched the sun set with someone you care about im not sure
made a bonfire on the beach yes!!! cape cod!
had a wish come true surprisingly they can come true
screamed penis in class i dont think so
told a complete stranger you loved them lol yes!
kissed a mirror im not that conceited now...
sang in the shower everyday it wakes my ass up
have a little black dress only on fridays
had a dream that you married someone haha yes im dumb
glued your hand to something nothing too serious, but yes
worn the opposite sexes clothes lol yes aeropostale dressing room lmao
sat on a roof top yup
screamed at the top of your lungs yeah but usually only on rollercoasters
talked on the phone for more than 6 hours yup Umass days...
stayed up all night uhhh what im doing right now
didn't take a shower for a week gross no!
pick and ate an apple right off the tree no, but polly did *ahem*
had a tree house no :(
flown a kite yup on cape coddddd
built a sand castle cape codddd
had a tea party wtf no
played ding-dong-ditch like twice until we got caught
played chicken yes
been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on YES!
made a snow angel yes but not recently cuz i hate snow
gone puddle jumping err no not on purpose lol
played dress up oh yeah cuz thats what *I* do in my spare time
jumped into a pile of leaves yup!!! i like the fall when its mild out and the leaves are ready for jumpin on ;)
gone sledding yes and last time I did I ended up with my face being all cut up... lucky me
cheated while playing a game uhhh monopoly.... holding the bank hostage!!
been fired yeah last friday actually Target...
forgotten someone's name yup...
cheated on a test not really im not even sure. i think so i dont know
eaten sushi yup
(purposely) set a part of myself on fire
made porn no... uhhh im not porn star sorry
been dumped yup
have a Briteny Spears CD yup of course
caught a butterfly yeah its hard
been kicked out of your hous nah!

My Interests

A lot of everything. You all know.

I'd like to meet:

Not you. Booyah. jk kiddies. maybe Oprah, cuz she has her own nation of loyal Oprah followers.


Taking Back Sunday, Brand New, Postal Service, Sugarcult, Mae, Armor for Sleep, Motion City Soundtrack, The Juliana Theory, Thursday, Death Cab For Cutie, Guster, Goo Goo Dolls, Finch, Coldplay, The Beatles, Yellowcard, Sum 41, Tool, Dj Tiesto, DJ Nameless, Accuface. Open to new music, I like music with meaning no bitches and hoes (although it can be fun on the radio in the car ;) )


I like Halloween a lot, but there are many others.


TV? boring.


Running with Scissors, Harry Potter (lol)

My Blog

When we were made we were set apart

Well I havent updated this thing latley so I thought I'd get my ass on here and bitch. Well,  I don't know if its really bitching more whining, but alas I don't think I shall indulge, But for tho...
Posted by Love will take us where we want to be on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 05:42:00 PST


We could leave it alone, I'm sure there's someone who knows Where you've been You never worked well with our group Not with the faults we found So we fixed you with cement galoshes No one can save you...
Posted by Love will take us where we want to be on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 03:37:00 PST


seems like everythings goin wrong for everyone lately. people who i used to talk to see everyday barely even talk to me anymore. i dont get it... i miss the old times i guess.  ...
Posted by Love will take us where we want to be on Tue, 06 Jun 2006 09:19:00 PST

Im awake

OMG its 5:13am and Im awake. I went to bed from like 1-4am and now i cant go back to bed im so weird.. wtf i got school in like two hours so my ass is gonna stay up lol.
Posted by Love will take us where we want to be on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 02:16:00 PST