'M A DRED. I'M A DANCER (HIP-HOP, REGGEA, HOUSE, ETC).I'M IN A CREW CALLED THE DANCIN SQUAD. I HAVE MY OWN CLOTHING LINE NAMED DECHIRE JEANS. I WAS BORN AND RAISED IN PARIS, FRANCE. I SPEAK FLUENT FRENCH, AFRICAN, AND CREOLE.i collect nike dunks thats all i wear very down 2 earth very humble im not the type of guy who think is all that like other dancers who think they no how 2 dance always try 2 run on stage at evry partys chasin the camera light like a female i dance cause i like 2 dance not 2 show off in front of girls in the clubs true story i also have a clothing store in harlem call dabo apparel and fashion come chek me wen u in TOWn
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