As a result, I am also a writer
adopt your own virtual pet!I've written two books on the topic of UFOs, the Bible, the apostles and Jesus Christ. Here's some links if you would like to check these books out:
EARS: Evidence of Alien contact Revealed in Scripture
Crux Decussata
Christian MySpace GraphicsHere's some other myspaces that I'm associated with:
John Scherf lets me maintain the myspace for his Milwaukee Madness 2U effort where we explore ghosts, UFOs and other weirdness in the city of Milwaukee: Believe it or not, Metalhead Benny Miller's bunny is the official mascot for EARS! I'm one of the people who messes around with that myspace that you can see at: Speaking of Metalhead Benny, our new band site will be going up at The Lightside's myspace is at In the book Crux Decussata, you can find lyrics for the song "Transcend" - I tried my hand at some music and you can see the result by visiting the Air Horse One myspace at