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No time for love doctor Jones

About Me

Made with the MyTheme myspace layouts

This all you have to know.

My Interests

Art, drawing, being creative, photography, making bad movies, swimming, comics, the circus, B-movie monsters, laughing

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interesting.....


The Postal Service, Pizzicato Five, Lady Tron, Gorilaz, Blur, weird 60's organ music and other stuff around that period of time, The Breeders, The Flaming Lips..................... other stuff?????


Jaws, Wild at Heart, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Empire Strikes Back, The Road Warrior, Death Race 2000, Gallipoli (Mel was just too damn slow), Brazil, Blade Runner, Delicatessen, The Thing, Tron, The Goonies, 400 Blows, The BicycleThief, Fight Club, Buster Keaton silent films, ......


Lost, Conan O'Brien. I got rid of cable so it's this and netflix.


I read really boring nonfiction stuff that most people wouldn't touch. Inventing the Charles River, Guns Germs and Steel, Samurai an Illustrated History....

My Blog


the gris
Posted by Matt on Thu, 20 Apr 2006 08:33:00 PST

yum yum the squirrel

It warms the cockles to watch the wildlife feed off the bountiful gifts of the land that Mother Nature providith. I filmed this little guy enjoying a Caramelo while basking in the late afternoon sun....
Posted by Matt on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 06:36:00 PST


A friend of ours rented out a roller-rink for two hours after they closed down. I hadnt skated since 5th grade, but skating is like riding a bike as the saying goes. roller ball...
Posted by Matt on Sat, 31 Dec 2005 08:56:00 PST

Happy Halloween

Harry Potter can suck it.
Posted by Matt on Tue, 01 Nov 2005 07:33:00 PST

the bird

Shot this at lunch on my CVS disposable DV camera. I am being shot the finger not Moore who's in the foreground....
Posted by Matt on Fri, 28 Oct 2005 09:27:00 PST

Apocalypse Now! Well maybe later I have things to do

It's 1:46 A.M. and I just finished watching Apocalypse Now Redux. I netflixed it to see the French plantation scene they cut from the original theater release. Its cool to watch, but you can see why ...
Posted by Matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What up Bitches!!!

I'm back on my space. I got bored of this think, but now I'm back and ready to watch Cheppelle's Show tonight. Why am I typing this? No good reason just felt guilty for letting myspace go to waste. Ac...
Posted by Matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Sleepy Friday

Really tired today due to lack of sleep. I didn't get to sleep till around 1:00 because I was working on my website that I'll post on this page in the near future. It's been a long time in coming gett...
Posted by Matt on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST