Art, drawing, being creative, photography, making bad movies, swimming, comics, the circus, B-movie monsters, laughing
Anyone interesting.....
The Postal Service, Pizzicato Five, Lady Tron, Gorilaz, Blur, weird 60's organ music and other stuff around that period of time, The Breeders, The Flaming Lips..................... other stuff?????
Jaws, Wild at Heart, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Empire Strikes Back, The Road Warrior, Death Race 2000, Gallipoli (Mel was just too damn slow), Brazil, Blade Runner, Delicatessen, The Thing, Tron, The Goonies, 400 Blows, The BicycleThief, Fight Club, Buster Keaton silent films, ......
Lost, Conan O'Brien. I got rid of cable so it's this and netflix.
I read really boring nonfiction stuff that most people wouldn't touch. Inventing the Charles River, Guns Germs and Steel, Samurai an Illustrated History....