*v*O*n*N*i*E g*Y*r*L* profile picture

*v*O*n*N*i*E g*Y*r*L*

The faithful see the invisible, believe the incredible and then receive the impossible.

About Me

I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!
At this stage in my life, I'm not interested in finding a husband. The Lord has made that the job of the man. Don't be mistaken, my prayers are already going with whomever the Lord has set in place for me. My heart desires a husband with a good reputation, one who loves God so much that his desire is not to break the heart of God. In doing that, my needs will always be met. One who is not afraid of challenge, who has set goals for himself as is driven enough to pursue and obtain them. One who is successful (very different from wealthy), definitely one who can get a PRAYER THROUGH! He is ideal and definitely one who God has hand choosen...so until he comes I'll just chill.
((Basic Info))
Name::: Vonnie
Hair Color::: Black
Eye Color::: Brown
Age::: 27
Birthday::: November 9th, I want a gift too...
Food::: Ice Cream
Song::: God Blocked It
Color::: Earth Tones...
Number::: 8 (New Beginning)
Website::: www.kingdom_shakers.com
Movie::: Why Did I Get Married
Magazine::: Honestly...None
Actor::: Morris Chestnut...Help me Jesus! lol
Actress::: Angela Bassett
Book::: My Sword!!
Greatest Fear::: Disapointing God and Failing Caleb
Screen Name::: Psalmist21
Bedtime::: 9:30pm
Current Location::: My Bedroom
Most Embarrassing Moment::: When my shirt fell off on the bus!!!! lmbo!
Best Friend::: Marc
Weakness::: Chocolate Santified Men
First Thought When You Wake Up::: OH MAN I'M LATE
((This Or That))
Pepsi Or Coke::: Pepsi
Chocolate Or Vanilla::: Vanilla except my men...lol
Day Or Night::: Night
Hamburger Or Hot Dog::: Hebrew National
Love Or Money::: LOVE
Looks Or Personality::: PERSONALITY
Summer Or Winter::: Winter
Hugs Or Kisses::: Hugs, they last longer!
Romantic Night In Or Wild Night Out::: Romantic Nights
Coffee Or Tea::: Tea Definitely
Hot Or Cold::: Cold
Sunny Or Rainy::: Sunny
Dogs Or Cats::: Cats
((Have You Ever))
Been In Love::: Yes, what a fool I was! lol SYKE!
Danced In The Rain::: Yes, best time
Been Kissed::: Yes, you know who you are! Call me! SIKE
Toilet Papered Someone's House::: NEVER, it's not on camera is it?
Cheated On A Test::: No, I am extremely intelligent and I study!
Been Beaten Up::: Yup, Banked by seven dudes. But I wiped some butt
Bullied Someone::: Nope, not my style
Smoked::: NO
Drank::: NO, well yes, communion
Done Drugs::: NOPE
Had Sex::: NO! LMBO! My son is two...he's father is the Holy Ghost!! Just Kidding
Gone Bungee Jumping::: NO...What color am I?
Gone Camping::: Nope
Stayed Up All Night::: All the time, Thanks to Lynette and Tasha!
Skipped School::: Naw man, my momma has myspace
Been On A Plane::: Yup, Rolled to Chicago
Cheated On Someone::: No but I wanted to
Been Cheated On::: YES!!! What a jerk!
Sang In The Shower::: Every shower
Smiled For No Reason::: All the time, Thanks G!
Told A Joke And Nobody Thought It Was Funny::: No, I'm hilarious
Had A Pillow Fight::: Yes
Broken A Bone::: Nope, Thanks Jesus
Wished Upon A Star::: My whole life
Jumped Into A Pile Of Leaves::: Yup and smacked my head on the sidewalk, lol
Gone Surfing::: Nope
Sat On Your Rooftop::: Nope, I lived in the hood!
Written A Song::: Many
((Finish The Sentence))
I Wish::: I'D WAITED
My First Kiss::: WAS GREAT!
Babies Are::: SMELLY! LOL
Sometimes I Can Be::: A JERK
I Really Want To::: FLY A KITE
I Love::: HIM
This Survey Was::: LONG
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My Interests

SINGING (everyday, allday), INTELLIGENT Conversation, Religion and Culture.
Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com
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I'd like to meet:

JESUS! The man who gave it all up for the world, some excepting him and some rejecting him.MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.! A man of vision and strength.FREDDIE KRUGER! The man who just won't die! :)
Hosted by HitupMyspace.com
Christian Glitter by www.christianglitter.com


Tye Tribett, Byron Cage, Donnie McClurkin, Fred Hammond, The Clarke Sisters, Lashawn Pace, Youthful Praise, Charles Butler and Trinity, Detrick Hatton, Walter Hawkins, Tonex, Stevie Wonder, Minnie Rippleton, Norman Hutchins, Mary Alessi, Martha Munizzi, Kurt Carr, Kim Burrell, and John P. Kee.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


Air Force One, BAGGER VANCE, Beloved (slightly weird), The Color Purple




Not much of a reader, except my Bible!


JESUS, The Christ, Senior Pastor Myra Anderson (My mom), Evelyn Rucker (My Grandma), First Lady, Evangelist Olivia James, First Lady Evangelist Janice Smith, Mother Sadie Lee (women of strength and power)

My Blog


How does one know if he or she has been turned over to a reprobated mind? If so, is there any hope? If the Saints pray, can there be a deliverance?I'm going to post below some answers I have already r...
Posted by Powerful Beyond Measure!!! on Fri, 29 Dec 2006 12:14:00 PST

"Beyonce Christianity"

 "Beyonce Christianity"           I had heard some of her songs. Although I'm not the biggest fan of R&B music, it was almost impossible to turn ...
Posted by Powerful Beyond Measure!!! on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 11:28:00 PST

The Refiner's Fire!

.. HTTP-EQUIV="Refresh" CONTENT="0; URL=/ym/login?nojs=1"> Malachi 3:3 says: "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver."This verse puzzled me in a Bible study and I wondered whatthis statement...
Posted by Powerful Beyond Measure!!! on Tue, 07 Nov 2006 01:45:00 PST

LOVE, thru God's Eyes

God, in my opinion, has an unusual way of getting his point across. He will make you love the people who hurt and abuse you the most and turn it around so he can be glorified. I love th...
Posted by Powerful Beyond Measure!!! on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 06:45:00 PST

People Are People

What if you fell in love with someone and you were blind, two years later you regained your sight. Would it matter what they look like? Would you "fall out of love"? Is love really an unconditional th...
Posted by Powerful Beyond Measure!!! on Sun, 13 Aug 2006 07:23:00 PST