So first, and for most my name is Megan! My birthday is February 5. I'm 5'1[and a half]. I know I'm short STOP REMINDING ME!!!
Life is too short to blend in! Sticking out in a crowd is a wonderful thing in my eyes. :) I dont beleive in perfection and to anyone who does...well, I hate to burst your bubble but you're never gonna be completely satisfied thinking there's something more or better that you would describe as perfect.
I've come way too far to get to where I am at now to have any regrets. I use to care about what other people thought of me then I relized I'm me and thats good enough! Thank you very much! Sooo...if your not happy with that then dont bother to get to know me and if you already know me and your still not happy with that then you are wasting your time!! I'm not gonna let any thing negative get to me.
I actually do think before I speak but I still always find ways to mess things up by having my words come out wrong. I have a hard time showing my feelings. I hate complaining, because even though I may not have it the best I have it better then some. I'm a firm beleiver in Karma! If you mess with me im not gonna try and get revenge or stoop to your level. I beleive life will take its own course and one way or another its gonna get back to you.
Feel free to comment me or message me if there is anything else you'd like to know about me!
I got this snazzy layout!
Myspace Graphics