history, international affairs, politics, intelligent conversations, read, write, surf the net, shop (show me a real woman who doesn't), fantasize about things i would do and places i would go with my man and my kids if i had unlimited resources:P
REAL people!!! Phonies keep out!!! hahaha:P and oh, given the chance, i'd like to meet quentin tarantino and star in one of his movies...ahahahaha:P
depends on my mood, really!!! but i never get in the mood for country..hehe:P
geez...if i start, i'd go on forever!!!
well...the season just ended...all my favorite shows are over=(
the alchemist, inferno, sick caesars, vampire chronicles of anne rice, lotr, anything to do with history, greek and roman mythology, harry potter series, parenting books, the family by mario puzo