What Naruto Character Are You?
Hosted by theOtaku.com: Anime . Done right.
Going to the movies,playing video games, listening to music,and just hanging out wit the friends and i love anime, name it and i have probably seen it
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If your on Victory Records then hey !!! we should hang
You have a sexual IQ of 142
When it comes to sex, you are a super genius. You have had a lot of experience, and sex interests you so you know a lot about it. You pride yourself on being a source of information and guidance to all of your friends.
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Lovehatehero, All things Victory Records Aiden,Silverstein,Hawthorne Height,June,The Audition,Bayside,A day to remember,and others like AFI,some fall out boy,Blink 182,Story of the Year,Lost prophets,Trapt, and 30 Seconds to Mars,Talib,He Is Legend,Meg & Dia, In this moment, Crossfade, Rise Against, June, AC/DC
Fist of legend, fuck that all Jet Li, Face Off the greatest movie ever, Gone in 60 sec, The 5th Element, V for vendetta the second greatest movie, 300, Se7en
I think i Watch everything but Barney and thats because im asleep when it comes on (Damn.)..... air gear is great
so is Naruto,CSI (ALL),House,South park,Lost,Heroes,
Britney Spears & K-Fed
The Great Gatsby, The Out Siders, 1984, 451, but mostly comics I'm out of school so fuck books
Victory Records