♥ BEING GRANDMA ♥♥ My Grandaughter Kenzie Makes Me Laugh♥ She Makes My Heart So Happy♥ She's The Love Of My Life♥ I LOVE BEING GRANDMA ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥****
****Billy Dean and me 1998********Roger and Me 2007August 5,2006******************************20022004****************
********December 2005December 2006February 2007Vegas December 2007********Our Future Weekend Home Site In East Texas...125 Acres Of Beautiful Piney Woods!********Our First Nights StayMe and Roger********Me,Rhett and Roger with the "Mule"
********Our Little WaterfallMe,Rhett and Roger*****************January 2008 Beautiful sunset on the farm**********Snow At Our Farm In EastTexas
March 7,2008*BREATHTAKING**********************Springtime At Our Farm
March 2008
Me in our field of flowers
March 2008**********At Big Texas Saloon With A Big TexanMarch 2008
Me and Kelly(My Daughter)September 2006Me and KellyAt Big TexasApril 2007Kelly and MeFebruary 2007Kelly and MeTexas Saloon
April 2006Kelly and MeAt Wild WestAugust 5,2006Me and Kelly(My Made Of Honor)December 2006
Me and Kelly
Kelly and MeDecember 2006 Billy Bobs Texas W/Gary AllanThe AlamoFebruary 2008March 2008
Me and Sharron (My second Mom)August 5,2006Sharron and MeMay 2008My Mama 1959I wish I knew then what I know now!I miss you every day!*******
Tammy and Me
1959In Our Matching DressesMe and TammyMe and TammyApril 2007
Me and Tammy
Brother and SistersMarch 2008
Tammy,Mickey and me
Me,Chris and TammyIn Nashville 1999
Tammy and Me in Nashville 1999Yep,A little to much to drink!
My 50th Birthday Party
December 5,2007Denise and MeKelly and MeSharron and MeTammy and MeMy Husbands Retirement Party From Exxon/MobilApril 27,2007************************Limo Ride To The Club After The Exxon Party********
I'd like to meet:
♥My Future Grandchildren♥***********************
Joe Nichols,George Strait,Keith Urban,Brooks Dunn,Carrie Underwood,Brad Paisley and Don Williams
Gone With The Wind,Titanic,Pirates of The Caribbean,The Notebook,Die Hard,The Holiday,3:10 To Yuma
Boston Legal,Old westerns,Crossing Jordan(Can't believe it's not on anymore and they have kept some REAL CRAP on!!),Desperate Housewives,Country Music Videos,Ghost Whisperer and my guilty pleasure...Keeping Up With The Kardashians
My Husband,He Saved Me At The Darkest Point Of My Life!!