I'd like to meet:
Honestly, I am not looking to meet anyone new. This is a great venue to talk with my friends.However, I would love to meet Mother Theresa, Ghandi and those who are most in touch with their inner selves. And then I would like to ask them how the hell they didn't slap the shit out of the clueless, ignorant people in the world???!!!
I don't discriminate when it comes to music. If I like the beat, I don't care who it is.
Breakfast at Tiffany's, Pretty Woman, Mr Holland's Opus and Rain Man are my top few movies.
Grey's Anatomy is quality TV...other than that, I would rather be doing something else!
I just finished King of Torts by John Grisham and I am reading Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert.
My mom was my hero. Her strength, her character and her focus was unlike any person I have ever met. If I can be half the woman she was, I will be proud of myself!