Karma |
Karma. Karma is 'ne feine Sache, wär hätte es gedacht. Erst bekommt man nette Einträge von netten Menschen. Und dann gewinnt man auch noch was. Bzw. ich hab ja eigentlich gar nicht.... aber irgendwi... Posted by Alvarosa a.k.a Docter Heidi on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 02:10:00 PST |
You can call me doctor, if you like |
Posted by Alvarosa a.k.a Docter Heidi on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 08:44:00 PST |
Funny, haha |
Ich kann sie ja alle zusammen nicht leiden, diese jungen "Comedians", die ach so lustig durch die Gegend ziehen und ihre Kalauer vom Stapel lassen. Und da mag es jetzt noch Schlimmere geben - aber Oli... Posted by Alvarosa a.k.a Docter Heidi on Tue, 15 May 2007 01:35:00 PST |
New Yorker Nervenzusammenbruch |
OMG, um gleich mal im New-York-Sprech zu bleiben, ich bin eine Bergdorf Blonde! Also, wohl eher eine Bergdorf Ginger (Ob's das wohl gibt? Tönen sich solche Dämchen die Haare rot? Wohl eher nicht.) Das... Posted by Alvarosa a.k.a Docter Heidi on Fri, 11 May 2007 12:25:00 PST |
Nichts besseres zu tun? |
Ja, wer hätte gedacht, dass es tatsächlich Menschen gibt, deren Leben scheinbar nicht mehr zu bieten hat als nachzuzählen, wieviele Zeilen ich zu irgendeinem Scheiß schreibe und sich dann auszurechnen... Posted by Alvarosa a.k.a Docter Heidi on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 12:10:00 PST |
small town blues |
its the 23rd and i'm still in münster. and i won't leave. not tomorrow, not the next week. i'm stayin. i took the decision monday evening when i moved in with my friends who helped me to get better ag... Posted by Alvarosa a.k.a Docter Heidi on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 10:40:00 PST |
The last one turns off the light... (this title is not translatable) |
... and that's obviously me again today.You know these evenings, when you worked too much, not physically, but mentally? And in the evening your brain is just something between apple purée and mashed... Posted by Alvarosa a.k.a Docter Heidi on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 11:03:00 PST |
Further enhancement of envy, jealousy and grudge |
Dear M.,just and only for you This is where I stayed, on the 15th floor...:(It doesn't work with this picture - don't know why... so you can find it here and yes, that's the Chrysler Building in... Posted by Alvarosa a.k.a Docter Heidi on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 04:23:00 PST |
Dancestar |
So, I thought, that's the best dance-video ever:But THIS one is a hard concurrence...Nothing else for today.********¬: One final comment on the day: My favourite foreign corrspondent is leaving! He "... Posted by Alvarosa a.k.a Docter Heidi on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 07:57:00 PST |
the melons! |
I need some happy-peppy-everything-will-be-fine music today... and videos that make me laugh.... (the melons! the pink, ähm, bird! and the giant eggs! and the melons!) ..>... Posted by Alvarosa a.k.a Docter Heidi on Tue, 26 Sep 2006 04:14:00 PST |