Villy profile picture


Even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day

About Me

Well you found me, welcome to my very own piece of cyber space! I'm a 25 yr old human who everyone calls Villy. I'm happily attached and to include my dog and fish, the four of us make one big happy family. Originally from Adelaide but have spent the last few years in Brisbane. So now that I have returned [still seeking the reason as to why] I fill my days by working in a Medical Laboratory and studying for my Diploma, and I am very passionate about what I do.My interests are the Macabre, Medical, Forensic Science, The human anatomy, Death, and forever absorbing the wierd and wonderful things in life.. I am so curious in so many ways about ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING I do not understand -I ask many questions and everlastingly seek answers. Be educated people, not influenced©. Oh and one last thing, I DO NOT accept "friend requests" without first being sent a message. This shows that you have taken the time to read my profile and are not merely trying to generate numbers on your own... Drop me a line and you shall see a reply.

My Interests

Macabre. Medical. Forensic Science. The Human Anatomy. Parkour. Shaolin Kung Fu. Taiko.

I'd like to meet:

FTM's. Bois. Grrls. Queers. Trannys. Homosexuals. Hetrosexuals. Bisexuals. Lesbians. Fags. The living. The dead. Oh and all you crazy folk that I went to school with!


Many artists, but Trent Reznor and Eminem are the kings of this castle.


All of my 300+ dvd's!!


Six Feet Under. The L Word. CSI. NCIS. The Secret Life of Us. Tripping Over. Ellen. David Tench Tonight. The Ronnie johns half hour. Little Britain. Forensic investigators. HouseMD. Oprah. The Benny Hill Show. Queer as Folk. The News. Tipping the Velvet. Drawn Together. Top Gear. Sunrise. Angry Kid.


Autobiographies and [Medical] Dictionaries.


Dad. Mel. Axl. Felany.