Larry Benet - The Connector profile picture

Larry Benet - The Connector

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

Are you faced with the following challenges, If so we should talk?
Do you find the networking you do is really a waste of time, and yields very little results?
Are you sick and tired of the gatekeeper keeping you out?
What you like to make your sales process rejection proof?
Are you losing out sales opportunities to competitors who aren't as qualified as you?
Do you find it tough to stand out from the competition?
Are you finding it a challenge to raise your profile and get known in your industry?
Have you ever felt frustrated knowing you could sell your product or service
If you could just get a meeting with the key decision makers?
Have you ever pitched a great idea to a prospect and they loved the solution only to have the incumbent come in behind you, and keep the business?
Do you find it difficult getting access to key decision makers?
Do you find it a challenge to get enough quality referrals?
Are you frustrated when you can't get your best prospect to return your phone calls or respond to your e-mails?
Are you losing out sales opportunities to competitors who aren't as qualified as you?
What ever your industry calls them, they all have similar characteristics
They make more money then their peers, often 10 times as much as
They operate exclusively by referrals
They are centers of influencers in their industry
They have more access
They do the biggest deals
They have more time off
They are super connected
They have very powerful relationships
In the real estate, insurance, mortgage, investment industry and many other businesses where the products and services are nearly identical, it allows the top producers to rise to the top of their profession, and out sell their competitors sometimes by a factor of 10, and do deals in a fraction of the time it takes others.
In corporate America it allows some executives to penetrate the C-Suite with ease, in the legal and accounting field it allows certain professionals to dominate their industry.
If you would like to do business with the movers and shakers in your industry we can show you a duplicatable road map to do so.
If you want to sky rocket your sales and your wealth, and become one of the top producers in your industry we can show you a proven step by step system so you to can achieve that.
Thru our key note speeches, training, best practice modeling, and consulting we can help you overcome all of the following challenges and take your business to the next level.
I can personally help you achieve success through connecting with the right people. I already know them and, odds are, have either worked with them or spoken to them. How can I help you?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

My Blog

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