Ok, ok. So I guess it's about time to say something about myself. I have been avoiding this like the plague! Well, here it goes...What can I say about me other than, I am complicated. I love what I love and hate everything else. Keep in mind that I love lots of things, but I am a very black and white type of person. (That's the scorpio comming out!) There is no middle ground with me. But having said that, I am also very honest. Sometimes too honest. If I have a problem, I will let you know. And if I like you I will let you know, usually to my detriment, but I digress. I enjoy watching movies and tv, rollerskating , bowling, doing fun stuff like that. I LOVE football season both professional and Pop Warner. I enjoy watching my son on the field and I always recruit as many people as possible to come an check him out! I enjoy being a mom, even though my son drives me up the wall! But I know I would be a different person with out him, and I thank God for a wonderful son. Enough of that, I am a student at the community college hoping to transfer to a 4-year in 2008. My major is psychology and I would love to do something with criminals. Thinking of criminal profiling or forensic psych. We'll see. Finally, I am a dreamer. I believe in soulmates and true love and everything else that has gotten my heart broken in the past, but I refuse to give in to reality that love is mundane and monotonus. I will find my special someone (probably not on myspace!) someday. Until then I will continue to have faith that some day my "prince" will come! :)found this fantasy layout at HOT FreeLayouts.comChongalicious!
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tamika, Your Karmic Alignment is: Zen Intuition!
Score: 14 You have a direct perception of truth. You are very keen and don't use it to take advantage. When you commit positive deeds, you don't do them to get ahead, you do positive deeds simply because it makes you feel good. Your intentions are almost always meant well and all this positive karmaic energy is bound to come back to you in a great way!