worship building relationships w/ others babysitting being available
People who r interested in talking w/ me.
Cis forCute
Ois forOutrageous
Ris forRadiant
Iis forIdeal
What Does Your Name Mean?
jazz..(Michael Buble), oldies....Any thing Christian....Jeremy Camp, Seven PLaces, Toby Mac, Warren Barfield, Scantus Real, Kutless, Pillar, Building 429, KJ52, Hillsong UNited, C-Flow, CLC Worship team, Reliant K, Planet Shakers, Gaithers..(especially Mark Lowry) My mommy, Grandma...and more
NACHO LIBRE!!! Gigdet,Red eye,Donut Hole,anything disney
Bible, Dream Giver, Thorn in my Heart, When Boy Meets Girl, The Church That Never Sleeps,The Barbarian, I Kissed Dating Goodbye (awesome book)!!!!!!
The women and men in my family and Jesus Christ