Soccer, Skatin', Snow Boarding, Skate Boarding, Basket Ball, MUSIC, Pokemon, Magic, Blowin up Army men, Video taping, editing, producing, and chillin with my friends and lady folk. I pretty much love World War II. If it was a women or a very attractive man, i would marry it.
Chew-freakin-bacca. Thats who i want to meet. God damn i wish wookies were real. You can talk to them and they'll listen. Its great, because even when they say somethin back. You cant understand what the hell they're sayin. You're just like " O hell yea Chewie. I'll go fix the hyper drive right away."
Rock, basically. But I have been known to delve into certain other genres as well. HORSE THE BAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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SLC Punk, Bruce Almighty, A new Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Phantom Menace, Attack Of the Clones, HitchHikers Guide, Star Trek I-VI, Insurrection, First Contact, Nemesis, Wizards, Lady Hawke, Brave Heart, Band Of Brothers, Red vs Blue season 1 & 2, Robin Hood, Disney Robin Hood, 101 Dalmations animated, Donnie Darko, and some more i cant think of...
Sealab 2021, Futurama, Family Guy, and American Dad. Watch them, love them. HISTORY CHANNEL IS WHERES IT AT!!!!
Pendragon Cycle, Hitchhikers Guide, Salmon of Doubt, Band of Brothers, Pegasus Bridge, Death Gate Cycle. HARRY TURTLEDOVE ROCKS MY SOCKS TOO!
I imagine my hero as a midget. A pimpin midget. Who's into star wars and all that rockin stuff.V for Victory Bitches