Bodybuilding, bookreading,health food eating, myoplex drinking, bannana peeling, and payiing my lazy staff (they do nothing)
I'd like to meet anyone who hasen't eatin at my resturaunt .... and kick their ass.
all the oldies from the 70's alot of queen, rod stewart, Van Halen, and all those motorcycle loving bands. No GAY SHIT
I only watch chick flicks because all those TOUGH GUY MOVIES are about me and ive BEEN THERE DONE THAT just test me.
MY COMERICAL on TIME WARNER CABLE wih THe Lovely Tabitha. The girl with the "TABZ" hat on.
I dont read books i eat them for DINNER..... there good in fiber.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, hulk hogan, scott stiener, barry bonds, mark McGuire u no anyone built like my heroic self