this is me..
and this is how I live MY life...
Ive already met my partner for life!
We are both equally exciting, lazy and crazy together,
Our personalities compliment each others very well.
We are Best of friends and absolutely MADly in love!
I totally met one of my Idol's already!!!
~Candace Bushnell is an *AMAZEING* women :)
and i would LOVE to meet You!
~if your unique original and honest!
IM me...AIM is: JAMS9174
I don't even have time to list genres... never mind groups.. i would feel too bad about missing some and would always want to be editing this shizit..
so lets just say anything I can shake it too, and l like going to live shows.
Other than that I'm probably lost into something trance or ambient like..
I like just about anything..
I'll watch anything once! and if I'm not liking what their doing you better believe I'm gonna say something.
I'm definitely one of those people better off watching movies at home so that I don't embarrass you from yelling at idiots or laughing when no one else does..
I'm in a whole different world when I can get myself to sit through a whole movie.
Ive been turned to the dark side and am liking Battle star Galactica, can you say DORK!
I will watch just about anything that can make me laugh, or whatever someone else is watching...
But Im really not all that much of a tv person myself, i just easily get sucked in!
Candace Bushnell, Jane Green and James Patterson are just some of my FaVoRiTe authors...
*JEANNIE GREELEY is one of my favorite freelance writers!
I love graphic and trashy novels... depends what kind of mood I'm in...
But I'm almost always into 3 or more books at a time...
and I'm a member of
My DaddyO! Hes wise from expierence and has tried to guide me with that knowledge through makeing my share of choices in life..
Hes always been there for me when there was no one else in my corner.
My MoM, even being the Psycho that she is.... In some ways she is everything I want to be....
My little sister Corina Rose *Damn that girl is strong!