Ay Diz JaZzy! Well ima real coo Female If You Dont come tA me wit no Bullsh**. i like ta have fun wit ma hom3 gurlz, Hom3 boiz, chill and JUST be JaZzY. I cant stand hatin females! y'kno the ones dat alwayz got somethin negative tA say about somebody and they UGLY they DAM SELF!!!!!! but y'kno i like ta DANCE,TALK,ND JUST CHILL:D But about ma PRESONALITY, well im sweet, cute, and adorable. some people dont think so but i am. Now when im frustrated im a u kno wut!!!!!!! but ma overall mood im mostly in a good mood and CHILLIN. BUT DATZ ALL ABOUT JAZzY AND DATZ ALL U GON KNO BOUT JaZzY!!!!! :) *~*~* YAY AREA~*~*
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m3 and ma cuzZin nayanA ON ma B day..
me and ma NiGgA sHaRiCe...w3 GoN Be bEsT fRiEnDz TiL dA eNd...iTs a EaSt oAkLaNd tHaNg!!
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