M.FILLE profile picture


About Me

音楽・映像・デザイン・ 小説などの様々なコンテンツを複合的に展開 する
メディアミックスプロジェクト。 M.FILLE(エムドットフィーユ)
The seasons, era pass away.
But there are everlasting remembrance.
A fragment of moon is the evidence of our promise.
She holds it.
She bloows fascinatingly in a feast given in the midnight
of a moon sixteen days old.
She sings, she plays, and tempt to subordinate.
Is she a Venus or a Satan?
・2008/6   official website OPEN
・2008/6   Novel「法と月」連載スタート
Started the distribution of serialized novel!!(in Japanese only)
・2008/9/25 1st Single 「M.FILLE」Release
2007/09/25 Release!!
1st Single「M.FILLE」
1.Sophia 2.Confess
ASP-70002  500yen (tax in)
Official novel authered by
M.FILLE project
明治4å¹´ã€æ·±å·ã®çµµå¸«ãƒ»å»£ç€¬ç™½æ°´å®…ã«ãŠã‘ã‚‹æƒ ¨æ®ºç¾å ´ã‹ã‚‰ 発見さ れた差出人不明の手紙。それはかつての逆賊 ・新撰組の運命と幕府における最大のタブー を伺わ せるものだった。
維新の嵐吹き荒れる幕末の動乱と、新撰組の 狂気を描ききった日本史最大のスキャンダル 。

"I killed SOJI OKITA"
In 1871 (Meiji 4th), a scandalous letter(who wrote was unknown) was discovered
at the house of HAKUSUI HIROSE, who is the painter.
HAKUSUI HIROSE was found dead・・・
Mystery of "SHINSENGUMI", a group of assassin organized to guard the shogunate,
is just the part of the biggest secret which is related to the entire Japanese history・・・
※SOJI OKITA was the member of "SHINSENGUMI"
▼アメブロ (novel blog)
▼魔法のiらんど (nobel)
â–¼ Official web site

My Interests


Member Since: 8/15/2008
Band Website: http://mfille.com
Band Members:
Vo. Cocteau (é»’å…Ž)

Gothic and Lolita、Bondageなど様々なファッション、ヴィ゠¯ãƒˆãƒªã‚¢ãƒ³èª¿ã€ãƒ­ã‚«ã‚¤ãƒ¦æ§˜å¼ã®è£…飾をこよなだæ„›ã™ã‚‹ã€‚
趣味&特技:アクセサリー制作、デコ小物作 り、フラワーアレンジメント、アートクレイ シルバー、アーティシャル、ネイルアート、 絵画(木炭デッサン、水彩、パステル、イラ スト)

COCTEAU is the vocalist of M.FILLE.
She also take in charge of writing the lyrics.
She loves furnitures of ″rocaille" mode. Interest&Speciality:
She makes accessories, decorative tiny articles, artificial flowers, and so on.
She decorate her nial beautifuly by herself.
She draws pictures very well.And she loves cosplay,especially Chun-Lee.

Gu. LINK (輪狗)

他アーティストへの楽曲提供など作家として も活躍中。
..愛用ギター:Fender Telecaster custom , Cole Clark
趣味&特技:スケボー、ドライブ、ビリヤー ド、将棋、三国志史実マニア、
アコースティックギター、元モトクロスレー サー

LINK is the guiterist of M.FILLE.
She started playing guiter and writing songs in childhood.
She sometimes panticipate in gigs of other artists as a temporary menber.
Favorite Guiter:Fender Telecaster custom ,Cole Clark
Skateboard , Driving , Billia?..?rd , Shogi(japanese Chess) Playing an acoustic guiter.
She had been a motocross racer.

Key. YOURI (揄狸)

デザイナーとして、他アーティストのデザイ ンも多々手掛ける
演劇俳優としての活動も行うなど幅広いフィ ールドで活躍。 愛用キーボード:Roland JUNO-G

YOURI is the keyboardist of M.FILLE.
She started playing classic piano in 3 years old.
She sometimes participate in gigs of other artists as a temporary member.
YOURI is also the designer of M.FILLE.
She draw all pictures of the official website of M.FILLE.YOURI is also the actress of drama.
Favorite Keyboard:Roland JUNO-G
Interest&Speciality:drawing?..? pictures , playing classic piano , playing with cats , reading.

Sounds Like: Gothic×Industrial×visual
Record Label: experience
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

The first live at Shibuya O-EAST, Tokyo !!

We performed at Shibuya O-East for the first time on 25th Sep. One hour past very fast.We did the best,and the concert went well. Opning song was Sophia,which you can listen to by our myspac...
Posted by on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 13:01:00 GMT