Nick Lotta profile picture

Nick Lotta

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

I live my life in tha left lane. Slower traffic MUST keep 2 tha right! Let me 1st say that I'm a go-geter I'm a self-motivated individual very competitive. Most people cannot keep up with my fast-paced lifestyle. 9 out of 10 times I see tha "competition" in my rear-view mirror. I'm a grown man I "fly my own kite" if you wanna say. I'm not tryin' ta "find myself". I know EXACTLY who I am and where I'm goin'. My goal that I have set for myself is to study Respiratory Therapy. A little more about me is I pride myself on being me. I don't try ta act like somebody else. I'm me and I can't be nobody else BUT me. I'm a Leader not a follower. I'm not influenced by people's actions nor am I swayed by people's words. I come up wit my own ideas and draw my own conclusions. I'm a very positive person. Even when it rains , it's still a sunny day for me! I keep it 100 at all times. If that intimidates people in any way shape or form then jus like baseball it's ball 4 and they need ta take a walk. I'm NOT a fan of drama. If you wanna keep me away, drama is a great repellent! Jus spray your whole body wit drama and I'll be sure ta stay away! A little more about me is erythang I do I shoot for tha moon , that way if I miss , I'll land in tha stars. I was raised 2 be a very polite and respectful person but Don't get it twisted , I will(if necessary)knock somebody inta next weeks paycheck! I have dealt with alot of stars but the real stars in my life are my family and friends! and I love them ta death! These Real Men and Women in my life would tell you that I'm a very loyal person , once we koo , we ALWAYS koo. You won't have ta "start all over" wit me. We'll jus pick where we left off , tha's how I was raised. My FAMILY and FRIENDS mean tha world 2 me. There's nothin' I wouldn't do for them. If people have a problem wit them, then they have an even BIGGER problem wit me! I'm very fortunate ta have these people in my life(you know who you are). I consider myself 2 be a genuinely cool person. I'm confident that once you get ta know me you'll realize that I am one of the realest most down ta earth peeps you will ever meet. Tha 1 characteristic about me that my peoples seem ta agree on is that they think Imma funny guy. People tell me that I have a great sense of humor. Can't help that , I get it from my family, it's in my genes. I'm not inta tha games that peeps play. If you are inta GAMES then do me a favor..First click off my page, then go 2 tha nearest arcade! I’m very versatile. I've been around and talked 2 so many people throughout my career and my personal life that I've learned ta adapt ta different types of personalities , situations and environments...Well, that's enough for right now.....imma be like a sheep herder and get tha flock outta here...

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Individual(s) that are lookn' 2 take it to tha "NEXT LEVEL". That's what it's all about , whatever you do in life , it's all about takin' it 2 tha "NEXT LEVEL". Skyline Marketing and Promotions can take you 2 that next level. My company is an R.I.A.A. PLATINUM CERTIFIED promotion company. I earned my Platinum Plaque the old fashion way, blood ,sweat, and tears!!! It was a 12 album collage I promoted for Columbia Records. World-Wide it sold over 22,000,000 albums!!! Columbia in turn awarded me wit my very own Platinum Plaque! That's all me!! My personal references include promoting over 175 albums and I have put it down for ALL tha "Majors" as well as "Indies". We have SOLD-OUT numerous National and Regional Concert tours. Our biggest Venues ta date is "The Up in Smoke Tour" Starring Ice Cube,Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg and "The Ruff Ryder Tour" starring DMX,Method Man and Redman. I have managed promotional projects for Pepsi and Coca-Cola. I have also promoted a string of Movie Soundtracks including Ice Cube's "Next Friday" and Denzel Washington's "Training Day". I also have promoted a major motion picture for New Line Cinema called "The Cell" starring Jennifer Lopez. We are THE TOP MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS TEAM IN CALIFORNIA! Let us put some bacon in ur next VENUE/ALBUM and watch it sizzle!!!!. Tha bottom line @ SKYLINE is to provide MAXIMUM EXPOSURE for your PROJECT(S). Honestly, my regions out here are like AIRPORT RUN-WAY'S , your projects WILL take off!! We also have an "A" LIST of ARTISTS/GROUPS/COMEDIANS that are AVAILABLE FOR Appearances/Bookings. Big up's ta all tha "INDIE" LABELS OUT THERE ! KEEP GRINDIN !! Never stop realizin' tha dream! All you up and comin' RAPPERS , SINGERS , PRODUCERS , D.J.'S , COMEDIANS , MODELS , PORN STARS , WHAT EVER YOU MAY BE I'm ready 2 start your campaign today!! I STAY ready that way I don't have ta GET readyI thought this was a trip! Read this .....The Paomnnehal Pweor Of The Hmuan Mnid. Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch as Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.Remember that mini-riot that happened @ The BestBuy @ The Riverpark Shopping Center in Fresno? I was in the middle of all that shit!! Out of the 300 plus people that were fightin' ta be one of tha lucky 1's ta make it.. I ended up 1st in line!! Every television station in Fresno gave me an interview..Here's tha clip from KSEE 24 HOUR was actually tha #4 video in the world on You Tube..go to then in the search bar type "Fresno ps3 riot". Below is the live footage of my adventure that night.

My Blog

A poem for my Mom Ruth Mata(who I lost recently) 7-4-40 - 2-23-09 R.I.P. Mom

I didn't write all of this..The last 6 lines are all me.We sat beside your bedside, our hearts were crushed and soreWe did the our best to the end, Til' we could do no more.In tears we watched you sin...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 13:19:00 GMT

Viva Obama!!!

Posted by on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 17:25:00 GMT

New US $1.00 Bill

The U.S. Treasury Department has just issued a new dollar bill to reflect the state of the economy.
Posted by on Tue, 04 Nov 2008 04:15:00 GMT

25 things that are slowly killing Hip-Hop(This is deep!)

I DID NOT create this list. I read it..was very interesting..I thought I'd throw it out there and  let it swirl in your head for a minute. This is some deep shit right here!
Posted by on Mon, 03 Nov 2008 04:22:00 GMT

Disco tune "Stayin' Alive" can really save your life!!

WASHINGTON (Reuters)  U.S. doctors have found the Bee Gees 1977 disco anthem "Stayin' Alive" provides an ideal beat to follow while performing chest compressions as part of CPR on a heart attack vict...
Posted by on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 20:24:00 GMT

A must read!!

Can you imagine working for a company that has a little more than 500 employees and has the following statistics: - 29 have been accused of spousal abuse - 7 have been arrested for fraud - 19 have b...
Posted by on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 02:52:00 GMT

Words of Wisdom

I read this earlier..thought it was an interesting sentence..When your down to nothing , God is up to something..remember that!!.............Nick
Posted by on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 09:15:00 GMT