Jess McLoughlin (now known as Jaya), has been running her fingers down the long fret board of musical discovery since she was a young and impressionable teen.
After leaving Australia at an early age, she embarked on a rainbow ride of creative invention and self-realisation, having lived in and amongst a cultural collage spanning from the Middle East to Europe.
Upon returning to Australia to pursue further musical study at the Gold Coast Conservatorium, Jess saw through the proverbial window, two likely partners in crime – stylistically diverse bass player Tim Hatch and Dutch rhythmic mastermind, Kevin Suierveld.
All three are equally inclined towards honest expression of experience and the dynamics of change, where music can smooth over life’s rough edges and reveal a diamond in every dark moment.
The pop rock trio have an arsenal of ‘Groovy Tunes’ with lyrical melodies that will invade your mind like an addiction.
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