*MiSs T* profile picture

*MiSs T*

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

FVX.com - Free MySpace Glitter Graphics
FVX.com - Free MySpace Glitter Graphics
FVX.com - Free MySpace Glitter Graphics
FVX.com - Free MySpace Glitter Graphics
FVX.com - Free MySpace Glitter GraphicsHi My name is Miss Tee (Tamecia)and I am original from Alabama,but came to the hot city of Atanta, Ga @ the age of 1.....Adamsville!!!! I'm a open minded cool, down to earth person once u get to know me,but dont get it twisted i dont take no shyt from no one! People tend to take my niceness for weakness but I would advise you not to because you wouldnt want to get a piece of my mean streak. So come correctly and we will get along fine. I dont mess with too many people because they are too damn messy for me and they start alot of shyt in which im not for that! Meaning,I don't deal with plastic ass people.People that talk to much and try to hard really annoy me. I really love working with young children. I have a production squad out of Bankhead Courts I work with. I usually keep to myself. I also hate it when people try to tell me what to do. And for my dudes I do not care if you have a lot of knowledge or none at all(LOL). Live your life and let me learn from my mistakes. Oh yeah!!!I attend AIU-Dunwoody majoring in Business Adminstration/ Hospitality. I luv my life and everyone around me especially my son, Trevun. So if there's anything else u want to know about me just leave a message!...

My Interests

I'm interested in someone treating me like a

FVX.com - Free MySpace Glitter Graphics and that will be on my level...... Take the quiz:
Do You Act Your Age

Older than the Moment
You dont miss being young at all, Your happy about finally enjoying the more mature things

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I'd like to meet:

People all over and May God let me see my pride and joy in five years from now....


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My Blog

Twins 21st B-Day

..The Twins 21st Explosion Bash   Stop Choosing!!!! They R Legal Now, come join them!!     When: October 14, 2006 Where: Club House 3393 Peachtree RD 404-442-8891   Coordinated by...
Posted by *MiSs T* on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 08:37:00 PST