Hello my name is I am happily married to Jessica and i have two kids named Kalani he is my son and I have a little girl named Mikayla they are my world,I couldn't be happier.
found this cars layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com..
Graphics & Layouts
custom cars(lowriders),tattoos,airbrushing.custom painting..tattooing..artwork..
Graphics & Layouts
when workin,i listen to rock,when cruzin the lowlow,it be rap,r&b
gangster movies,action,comedy,anything that will be a good watch..
uhhhm not to much on tv,
img src="http://glitter.hotfreelayouts.com/glitter/24/242f438846 499b478abcdd2807292c7b.gif"not much of a reader,prefer to draw instead..
my parents above all..i have done alot of wrong in my younger yrs.and they have always been there.love you mom and dad...