Semper Fi or Die
myspace.com/190338678 Date:
Nov 25, 2007 1:21 PM Flag as Spam or Report Abuse [ ? ]
RE: No Subject
ironic my fucking ass, you selfish pig.
ohhh and i know why i left you - i don't need some alcoholic moron telling me all about how depressing and retarded his life became because of the paths he took in order to get there.
sad huh?
let me tell you something about misery: i've had my share since the mid point of our relationship, because your sorry and lazy ass was too bone-pussy enough to do shit about it. all that came out of your no good waste of breath was "i don't know".
well i'll "i don't know" all over your fat ass till the dawn of time because you think you have a right to talk to me like that, you fucking bastard.
oh look. the reason i left you is updated!!!!!!!!!!!!
and you drink still! (no surprise there. damn.)
and you're there on your ass like you were on our little breaks finding someone new to fill that empty gap to which i had once belonged, when your ego wasn't up and kicking.
its cute you complain so much about being alone. try being alone for months on end.
thats how i felt.
you know?
guess not.
i did.
so shut the fuck up, idiot.
you know, if i was REALLY that love of your life... where the fuck are you now? drinking? meeting new whorey girls? bustin' up parties with alex? your other friends? cursing my name?
i thought so.
so unless youre a REAL man like my cory, leave me the fuck alone.
hahaha and as if my sexual life is any of your business, at least cory can turn me on without fucking me... personality helps! :)""
lolololol dickk
my therapist said i should love everyone.