He was born in S.C. de Bariloche, Argentine, 16th November 1980. Early in the 90..s he started to play music, in the year ..95 he has his first residence in Villa La Angostura, since that he made his own style djing around the Patagonia in the best night clubs and party..s like: Roket, Bypass, Cerebro, Pacha BRC, Ski Ranch, Tierra R..tmica Fest, Angostura Dance Party (Pacha), La Barra, NQ Dance, La Taberna Club, Hub, Vhans, Electro Fest I, II, III & IV, Mei, Gitana, Wacros, Osama, Cream VIP, Ksa Enkantada, Soho Club, Big Bang, Tokio, La Macarena, etc.
He played with djs like: Gabriel Marcuzzo, Guillermo Valle (Pitufo), Maxi Arg..ello, Nicolas Cano, Martin Lavvia, Ausqui, Luis Nievas, Buey, Franco Cinelli, Juan Pueyrredon, Luciano Fernandez, Gonza Mattaldi, Charly O..Farrel, K-No, Sebastian Steven, Martin Bonansea, Nico Sasso, Bs. As. Deep, Marcos Paz, Fernando Ferreyra, Chris Fortier, Niko Izzo, Mariano Favre, Nestor Vidart and many others.
Now he is a partner owner of Onward Recordings (Arg) with his friends Martin Bonansea & Diego Colqhoun (Distaff aka Bs As Deep).
Labels: Bellarine, 80Hz, Existence, Onward, Augenring, Deepsessions, Stereo FX, Lups, SoundTribe, Proton, AB-Duction.
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