The Summer Sun, Swimming in the pool, Visiting the ocean, Playing with my Children, doing craty things, i love painting and reading the word; you heard????
Right now i would have to give a shout out to Nikki, whoot whoot.. I love that i can come to you for anything! you are such an awsome sis and i love ya forever,
Another Shout out to my real sis Heather, thanks for all your help with Ashley its such a blessing when you come over and take her outside to play so i can get a breather for a few. i love you and respect everything you do for me.
Vanessa oh Vanessa thanks for scrubing my toliets when i take naps on my king sized bed.. lol j/k. but really thank you so much for helping me around my house thats a huge huge blessing.. i am so blessed to have a awsome little sis like you, you really are loved by my family and we thank you so much for your great personality, the way you serve others, and how you let your light shine girlfriend..Oh and all my ladies at C.C.C.C. thanks for your support and prayers for my family and loved ones
thank you Lord..
My Help COmes FroM The LorD withouT Him WHeRe wOulD I Be????
Whatever is on 107.9fm or 95.9fm oh and i totally listen to 107.9fm at 3pm thats a must :)
i just saw 310 to Yuma, that was the best western ever.. i cried at the end :( *tear*
As far as T.V. goes i watch whatever my daughter does... But most of the time i am way to busy to mess with the T.V.
The Bible, and Beth Moore
Jesus Saves!!! Seriously, I am completely confident and blessed by my Lord and Saviour.. And My other hero would have to be my wonderful HUSBAND he is the greatest person ever and I am glad to have someone in my life who allows me to be the person i am and he lifts me up. He Rocks lol